Abu Soma
The two Tourist Information Offices are located at Hurghada City, one in the Touristik Center area, middle of the resort strip and one in Down Town Dahar. Saturday - Thursday from 08:00 to 20:00 and Friday from 13:00 to 22:00. Phone: 002 65 346 3221.
El Salam Hospital Hurghada, Tel: 0020 65 354 8785. Safaga Central Hospital, Tel: 0020 65 3251549. El Gouna Hospital, Tel: 0020 65 3580011. Egyptian Hospital Hurghada, Tel: 0020 1110012270.
Al Kawther Hospital, Tel: 002 012 721 111 72. Nile Hospital Hurghada, Tel: 0020 65 3550974. Royal Hospital Hurghada, Tel: 0020 121 111 3277.
EgyptAir Hurghada Office, Address Tourism Center Near National Bank, Phone: +20 65 34630 35-37, Opening Times from Saturday till Thursday 08:00-20:00 and Friday from 10:00-20:00.
AlMasria Airlines Hurghada, Sara Mall, AlMamsha Tel: 0020 12 87556955 / 0020 12 25776882, AlMasria Airlines Hurghada branch office, AlMamsha Phone: 0020 10 06094827.
High Jet Transport La Pespes Fast Ferry Service Hurghada-Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada Maritime Port Red Sea Phone: 01210142000 - 01065757889.
Super Jet Bus Company, El-Nasr Street, Dahar, Hurghada, Phone 065 3553499. Go-Bus Transport, El Nasr Road next to metro market in El Dahar area,
Phone 065 3541561, 065 3556198.
Europcar Hurghada, Sheraton Road, in front of HSBC Bank, Phone +20 19348. Europcar Hurghada Airport. Sixt Hurghada, El Mohamadi Hwidak
Square, Phone +20 122 908 8810. Sixt Hurghada Airport. AVIS Hurghada, Sheraton Street, Phone 65 3447400.
Hertz Hurghada Airport, Phone 65 344 4146. Hertz Hurghada, El Corniche Phone 65 346 3176.
Red Sea Governorate in Egypt is located between the Nile and the Red Sea in the southeast of the Egypt, its southern border forms part of
Egypts border with Sudan. The capital city is Hurghada in addition to 5 cities (Ras Ghareb, Safaga, El Qusier, Marsa Alam, Shalatin). Address; El naser Road, Hafer el batten area, Hurghada, Egypt.
British Honorary Consulate in Hurghada, Egypt, Tel. 0 15 1534 3915. French Consular Agency in Hurghada, Egypt, Tel. 0 65 346 47 47. Italian Honorary Vice
Consulate in Hurghada, Tel. 0 65 344 9366. Russian Consulate Hurghada, Belgian Honorary Consulate in Hurghada, Tel. 0 122 012 31 17. Austrian Honorary Consulate in Hurghada,
Tel. 20 1278407339.